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“Join this dynamic, motivational business plan class created to encourage and prepare new and existing entrepreneurs with the information they will need to start, sustain and expand their business.”
February 24 – May 11, 2020 (12 weeks – Mondays)
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm (Also available online.)
Location: 7500 Germantown Avenue | Elder’s Hall, Conference Room | Philadelphia, PA 19119
You will learn how to:
Cost for the course
Course Fee: $350
Additional Course Materials: $30.00
There is a $25 non-refundable registration fee
Financial Aid is available – complete and return this form
Loan Approvals of $10,000 (or more) may be offered for Viable Completed Business Plans
Online Registration:
To finalize your registration, the total fee is $405.00 (non-refundable registration fee $25, course fee $350, materials fee $30). Click Buy Now to make your payment through PayPal
The Business Center’s Youth & Money summer instructor Nailah Wheeler has won the prestigious Harrisburg University of Science and Technology’s Financial Literacy Contest.
April is Financial Literacy for Youth Month and TBC is pleased to serve entrepreneurs, young and old.
National Financial Literacy Month is recognized in the United States in April in an effort to highlight the importance of financial literacy and teach Americans how to establish and maintain healthy financial habits. … In 2003, the United States Senate designated April as Financial Literacy for Youth Month.
TBC will be announcing its upcoming Investment Club at the April 24th and 27th Youth and Money Summer Enrichment Entrepreneurship Programs Open House in addition to signing up participants for our summer youth program. Representatives from State Farm will be present to help people open bank accounts.
The Investment Club will feature Youth & Money graduates Chris Moore and Akintunde Sogo, as president and treasurer respectively. Young adults will invest real money in the stock market with all of the rewards associated with it.